US Dollar and the Panic of 2005

The central bankers, who don’t dump their US dollars as soon as possible, will look foolish in the future, and they will have to do a lot of explaining to the people of their countries. Why their monetary reserves lost so much value, and they stayed in the sidelines watching the decline of the US dollar without taking any action? In the future we will refer to this historic period as the “PANIC of 2005.”

Location: New Jersey, United States

Ricardo C. Amaral was born in Brazil. He attended Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck, New Jersey, where he received a B.A. degree in Economics and later an MBA degree in Finance. He continued his Academic studies towards a PhD. degree in Economics at Fordham University. Mr. Amaral has an extensive investment and international business background. He is the author of a biography of “Jose Bonifacio de Andrada e Silva - The Greatest Man in Brazilian History" - published in May 2000. He writes on a regular basis for "The Brasilians" the oldest Brazilian newspaper in the United States. He is also a columnist for “Brazzil” magazine. Brazzil magazine is one of the most successful Brazilian magazines in the internet with a daily average number of approximately 60,000 readers. Mr. Amaral is among a very few remaining living descendants of both José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva (The Patriarch of Brazilian Independence), and his brother Martim Francisco Ribeiro de Andrada - the founding fathers of Brazil. In Brazil, Martim Francisco Ribeiro de Andrada was the author of the document "The Declaration of Independence of Brazil".

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

"US Dollar - Panic - Spin and Damage Control"

By: Ricardo C. Amaral

It is time for spin and damage control in the US, and a smart policy for foreign central bankers.

Remember the senior management of “Enron” at the same time that they were saying that everything was going to be O.K., the insiders were selling their positions to the suckers that still in the market buying Enron shares.

What will transpire in the coming months in the international currency markets will separate the central bankers “the men from the boys" based on their individual strategies.

The smart central bankers will be selling their US dollar positions at the same time that they will deny that such a thing is happening. Only the fools will keep their US dollar positions and see it melt away.

But in the meantime the name of the new game for the United States now will be:

“Spin and Damage Control.”

Copyright © 2005 All rights reserved.
By: Ricardo C. Amaral
Author / Economist



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